Coaching is one of the most effective tools to align your work and life—helping you to get unstuck and do more of what works (and less of what doesn’t).

Over the past 9 years, I’ve built a private coaching practice specifically for those working in the social change sector—as organizers, non-profit and foundation professionals, campaign staff, and advocates all of kinds.

Coaching can help to:

  • Support job transitions or decide if it’s time to make one

  • Gain clarity on your professional goals

  • Take on higher-level management roles or build towards doing so

  • Navigate challenging bosses or co-workers

  • Aid burnout and prioritize sustainable working practices

  • Create more accountability as a steady support system

  • Find your authority at work

  • Feel re-inspired by the hard work of social change

Coaching primarily takes place through 50-minute phone sessions. To schedule a 20-minute complementary exploratory session and learn more information about rates, get in touch:


“Alicia is an incredible coach. I came to her from a place of insecurity - not knowing how to find my voice or a position of authentic power in my organization. Through our work together, I’ve developed a stronger sense of self, both professionally and personally, and now can use the tools and perspective Alicia has equipped me with to develop into a powerful change agent in the social sector. Because of her ongoing coaching, I am able to make thoughtful and intentional strides both in my day to day and in my bigger picture career aspirations. Alicia has brought immense value to my professional life as a coach and I truly look forward to our sessions.”

-L.A., San Francisco, Philanthropic professional

“Sometimes you need an outside perspective to see how you can move forward professionally and personally and I am so glad Alicia has offered that perspective to me. In my sessions, I never feel judged or pressured—I get support and guidance in a way that co-workers and friends won’t be able to provide. Working with her has been transformational."

-J.B., Minnesota, Non-profit Operations Manager

“I came to coaching to help sort out the millions of ideas I had for next steps in my career. I was overwhelmed! Alicia helped me define my values, what I'm good at, what I like to do and what I need to be successful and happy. She helped me redefine what leadership is for me-- which helped me boost my self confidence as I sat in an unsatisfying job and started a new career search. Alicia also helped me tangibly work on my personal mission statement, which I come back to often when I feel like I'm becoming unfocused in my job search. She also helped me develop specific networking and conversation skills that I use all the time during events and informational interviews. Alicia's coaching was critical to my growth!”

- R.W., New York, Social Worker and Community Organizer

“Through my sessions with Alicia I was able to define and break down the mental and emotional road blocks that were inhibiting me from advancing my career. Prior to this work I could see the problems I was having, but felt like I didn't have the tools to tackle or change them. Due to my work with Alicia I have successfully transitioned from a dissatisfying job into a life-expanding freelancing career.”

- E.M.C., Brooklyn, NY, TV Producer

“Alicia coached me through a challenging transitional period in my life and career. I left our sessions with a clearer sense of my values and goals as well as tools and action items to grow as a leader. I've learned how to remain grounded amid uncertainty, embrace vulnerability, and prioritize self-care. I appreciated Alicia's brilliant balance between guiding me to ask the hard questions and holding me accountable when I found the answers.”

- K.M., Washington, D.C., Writer, Editor, Communications Consultant

“I want to say the clichéd line, “Alicia never ceases to surprise me!” But, the fact is, that’s not really the case. After working with Alicia for over half a year, I know what I’m getting into when we begin a coaching session. More specifically, I know some important shift will take place during our session thanks to the skills and talents Alicia brings to the table. So, I’m no longer surprised at the progress I make within each coaching session – I’ve begun to expect it! Our synergy takes me to a new level of awareness every single time. And, it’s not just a “high” that lasts for a few hours and then goes away. It’s a sustaining energetic influence that helps keep me moving forward day after day.”

- J.V., Dallas, TX, pursuing a Masters in Educational Leadership

“Wow, I have learned so much more about myself through working with Alicia. She was able to help me define my value system that will serve as a guide in my upcoming job search. Most importantly, she understood and empathized with my apprehensions and fears, and gave me many practical ideas to be successful.”

- X.D.Y., New York, NY, Social worker and Activist